The oral contraceptive pill is a hormonal method of preventing pregnancy. Birth control pill side effects are common and include spotting, weight changes, and headaches.

Birth control pills affect a person’s hormone levels, leading to various side effects. These effects usually resolve within 2 to 3 months, but they can persist.

The specific side effects vary widely among individuals, and different pills cause different side effects. Some common side effects include spotting, nausea, breast tenderness, and headaches.

If the side effects last for a long time or are very uncomfortable, it is best to talk with a healthcare professional about trying a different brand or birth control method.

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Breakthrough bleeding, or spotting, refers to when vaginal bleeding occurs between menstrual cycles. It may look like light bleeding or brown discharge.

Spotting is the most common side effect of birth control pills. It occurs because the body is adjusting to changing levels of hormones, and the uterus is adjusting to a thinner lining.

Taking the pill as a doctor has prescribed, usually daily and at the same time, can help prevent bleeding between periods.

Learn more about spotting and birth control.

Some people experience mild nausea when first taking the pill, but this usually subsides. Taking the pill with food or at bedtime may help.

Birth control should not make people feel sick all the time. If the nausea is severe or lasts a few months, it is a good idea to talk with a healthcare professional.

Learn more about birth control and nausea.

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Often, taking birth control pills causes the breasts to feel tender, especially soon after a person starts taking them. Wearing a supportive bra can help reduce breast tenderness.

Along with increased breast sensitivity, the hormones in the pill can make the breasts grow bigger.

A person needs to talk with their healthcare professional about severe breast pain or other breast changes, especially a new or changing breast lump.

The hormones in birth control pills can cause or increase the frequency of headaches and migraine.

Changes in the female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) can trigger migraine. Symptoms can depend on the dosage and type of pill. For example, low dose pills may be less likely to cause this symptom.

On the other hand, if a person’s migraine has links to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), taking the pill may help reduce their symptoms.

Birth control pills often list weight gain as a possible side effect, though research has not yet confirmed this.

In theory, birth control pills could lead to increases in fluid retention or water weight. They could also lead to increases in fat or muscle mass. Some people may also report weight loss when taking the pill.

Planned Parenthood notes that studies have shown that the birth control pill does not generally affect a person’s weight. However, the pill can affect individuals differently.

Hormones play an important role in a person’s mood and emotions, so changes in hormone levels can affect moods.

A 2022 review notes that both estrogen and progesterone can affect a person’s brain function. This may be responsible for mood changes and depression, which people who take birth control pills commonly report.

However, this side effect can depend on the formulation of the birth control pills. For example, those containing drospirenone and low estrogen types may be less likely to cause mood changes than other formulations.

If a person has concerns about mood changes, they can talk with a doctor. If the symptoms have links to taking the pill, changing pills may help.

Taking birth control pills can cause very light periods or missed periods due to the hormones they contain.

Depending on the type of birth control, people can use the pill to safely skip a period.

If a person suspects that they may be pregnant, it is best to take a pregnancy test. The birth control pill is effective, but pregnancies can occur, especially with improper use.

The pill can affect sex drive, or libido, in some people. This is due to hormonal changes.

Other people might experience an increased libido by, for example, removing any concerns they may have had about pregnancy and easing any symptoms of PMS.

Changes in vaginal discharge may occur when taking the pill. This may be an increase or a decrease in vaginal lubrication or a change in the nature of the discharge.

If the pill causes vaginal dryness, and a person wants to engage in sexual activity, using lubrication can help make this more comfortable.

These changes are not usually harmful, but color or odor changes could suggest an infection.

Hormone changes can affect the eyes. Those taking birth control pills may experience blurry vision or irritated, dry eyes.

Using lubricating eye drops can help with dryness relating to hormonal changes.

Birth control pills are safe for most females to use long-term or indefinitely.

However, usage can increase the long-term risk of certain health problems.

Cardiovascular problems

Combination pills may slightly increase the risk of serious cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. The risk may be higher with certain pills.

A healthcare professional can advise on suitable options.


The natural female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) affect the risk of some types of cancer. Likewise, hormone-based birth control methods can increase or decrease the risk of different cancers.

According to the National Cancer Institute, taking birth control pills can affect a person’s risk of certain cancers in the following ways:

  • Breast cancer: The risk of breast cancer is slightly higher in people who use hormonal birth control pills than in those who have never used them.
  • Ovarian and endometrial cancer: These cancers seem to be less likely to occur in people who take the pill.
  • Cervical cancer: Taking the pill for longer than 5 years has links to a higher risk of cervical cancer. However, most types of cervical cancer are due to the human papillomavirus.
  • Colorectal cancer: Taking the pill has associations with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

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Birth control pills contain hormones that affect the body in many ways, so side effects are common.

Side effects vary widely among individuals and different types of pills. They usually ease within a few months of starting the pill.

Individuals react differently to the pill. A person may need to try a few different types of pills before finding the one that is right for them.

When a person stops taking the pill, their body will usually return to how it was before they took the pill.

If the side effects are severe, get in the way of daily life, or last longer than 3 months, it is best to talk with a healthcare professional about trying a different brand or method of contraception.