Cottage cheese is a mild and fresh food made from curdled milk. Cottage cheese has some health benefits, as it is rich in protein, relatively low in fat, and high in calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin A.
After draining, the curds are washed to remove residual acids, giving cottage cheese a sweeter taste.

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium, a mineral that plays a major role in tooth and bone health, and in the prevention of osteoporosis. It also helps you to regulate your blood pressure and might even
If you’re concerned that your child is lethargic, consider adding cottage cheese to their diet. According to a
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that includes high blood sugar levels, which is a major concern for people with diabetes. A British study found that eating dairy products such as cottage cheese can decrease the likelihood of metabolic syndrome in men, both who have and do not have diabetes.
Cottage cheese may also be helpful in promoting weight loss.
Some brands of cottage cheese include fermented or live cultures, which are known as probiotics. Lactobacillus GG is a specific type of probiotic that has been shown to have major health benefits. The most commonly known advantage of consuming foods containing probiotics is that it aids in gut health.
Cottage cheese is high in calcium, though a recent study found no connection between increasing dairy consumption in children and adolescents and increased bone mineralization.
Cottage cheese is usually served fresh, and is never aged. Different varieties of tastes and curd size can be created depending on the fat level of the milk.
Calcium may be good for bones and teeth, but sodium (salt) is not. According to
Calcium itself can also be unhealthy in high quantities, according to some research.
One study found that high dairy or calcium intake increased the risk of prostate cancer. The data on this topic is mixed.
If you are concerned about prostate cancer, discuss dairy intake with your doctor.
Alternative medicine and special diets have long been used to treat diseases such as cancer, though not always with positive results.
The Bill Henderson Protocol (BHP) is a diet that claims to treat cancer by increasing intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, through flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center says that there is no evidence that this regimen works, and cautions against it as a treatment of cancer.
Cottage cheese is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium, which are important nutrients for continued good health. However, the sodium in cottage cheese might work against the benefits. As with anything, moderation is key.